Medical Massage is a marketing term used to describe massage therapy that is done to help various medical conditions. There is not any one type of massage that is medical massage therapy.
Swedish Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Myofascial Release and many other types of massage can be applied to medical conditions.
Massage therapy can be used for the purposes of rehabilitation of injuries to the muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints. It can help relieve pain of medical conditions such as headaches, fibromyalgia, back/neck/shoulder/arm/hand/hip/leg/foot pain. It is great for depression and anxiety too.
Massage therapy can be used in a hospital setting in surgical units for recovery, cancer centers to help in the treatment and recovery process. It can be used in labor and delivery for pregnant mothers and their infants and family members.
Massage therapists that work with these various injuries and conditions will have more training in assessments as well as have more knowledge of anatomy, physiology and pathology in order to work with these conditions.